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Waitlist 2016

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Just curious if anyone has any insight on how the wait list situation works for SLU? It's my top choice. I've interviewed and been placed on the wait list. I know they don't rank their waitlist but I'm curious as to how many they take off the wait list and what my chances are? Pretty bummed out at this point. 

I know they take that waitlist and re-consider applicants with each round of interviews.


I figure this....they interview 20 people each time. They do interviews in October, November, January, and February, then maybe March. That's 80 people for 40 seats. And in talking with a lot of other students, they applied to and interviewed at a LOT of schools. So the chances seem good, statistically speaking, that they would eat into that wait list a fair amount. My understanding was that they do rank it at the end, and you will find out what spot you are in then. I'm also waitlisted


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