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Volunteering Abroad Info Wanted!

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Hi all,

I am currently graduating with my bachelors next month, which gives me a while break before caspa opens up in April/may. I am interested in volunteering abroad in a medical missions trip of some sort. I only have my cna license, so I know I won't be able to get too involved in the application of medicine but would still love to volunteer. Just no clue where to start! Does anyone have any organizations they can recommend to help me get started? There's just so many out there and I would like some advice on which ones are the best and I will be able to get involved in! Thank you in advance.



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I've mentioned this before, but many Latin American cities have Spanish schools that will also arrange volunteer opportunities for you.  Spanish is a prerequisite for a few programs, so you can boost your language skills while getting some community service work in as well.  


I went to Nicaragua in 2013 (and returned in 2015).  I was able to take classes in the morning in Nicaragua, then volunteer at the Red Cross a few days per week in the afternoon.  Other countries offer other opportunities, if you dig online (e.g. do a web search for Spanish school and any Latin American city, such as Quito, then look at the webpages of the schools).


I studied at this program:  http://www.casaxalteva.org/volunteer-program/

Look into UBelong! It's a really affordable program that goes all over. I went to Mexico for 3 weeks and volunteered with people with disabilities. They do have a program where you can work in a hospital, but I am not sure what other requirements you need for this. Program cost includes 2 meals a day and living (my trip was $570 and I got breakfast and lunch, and stayed in a hostel). Definitely recommend it!

Thank you all for the advice! I have a passport already (as I'm kind of a travel addict) and I have a few years of Spanish pre-reqs under my belt! Thank you guys, this helps a lot.



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