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PA courses and GPA calculation

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Hey everybody!


I'm brand new to this forum and had a couple of questions to ask! Thank you in advance to everyone who answers and best of luck to all who are applying this cycle! I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you :)


My first question was how the GPA is calculated? I graduated from MDC with my AA back in high school and went on to UF for my Bachelor's degree. They recalculated my GPA there, so I was curious as to whether they would be recalculating the GPA when I send the transcript back?


And my second question is whether they'll take my GPA from my Bachelor's degree or they'll take my GPA from the prerequisites and other recommended classes I completed? Ive seen varied answers to this question, and I've been curious as to how they determine the GPA for the purpose of admissions. I have had some people tell me my Bachelor's degree will do nothing for me in the way of strengthening my application.


I finished all of my prerequisites this summer with striaght A's and am finishing my EMT licensure and certification in the coming weeks. Them I'm looking to get a job as an EMT while doing the shadowing requirements. I took a pre-med track at UF and my degree is in psychology. My GPA is not the best at UF due to some personal hardships, but I've been working hard to bring my GPA back up and add to my resume. I know my chances are not great without a high GPA, but I'm hoping maybe there is some hope.

Essentially every single class you took for a grade and calculate that GPA regardless if you repeated a class or not, it is considered a separate class on CASPA. That is your CASPA GPA. (ex. 3 classes 2 As/1 B so 4.0+4.0+3.0=11 total credit points/3 classes = 3.67)


So ANY classes you have taken for credit on a college level is counted. This is from your AA and from your BA/BS as well as any classes you are taking this summer that isn't a master level course.


Whoops, this is through Miami Dade and since I have not researched this school, I do not even know if they utilize CASPA. Ignore this unless you were implying CASPA GPA.


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