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Hello, what does anyone think of working in rhematology? Any rheumatology PAs out there? I have an offer in rheumatology and it sounds really interesting to me, but I am not sure if I would need a really strong backround in internal medicine first in order to be successful at it (I'm a new grad). 


Any thoughts, comments pertaining to specializing in rheumatology? Also, if I worked in rheumatology for a few years, would I be able to easily switch to primary care or another specialty? Or would I pidgeon hole myself?


Thank you.

I did a rotation in rheumatology and really liked it. I really liked the doctor too so that helped. The patients can be difficult as a lot are in a lot of pain and taking pain meds so it's a little like pain management in that sense which can be difficult. But these pts are usually sick so I felt better about giving them pain meds. Most pts were nice though. I really liked the lupus and RA pts. It's a tough disease both physically and mentally which makes them pretty complex patients.


It may pigeon hole you to specialize right away. But you'll be able to transition at some point if you want to. But it is a good idea to get internal Med training as well. But if you feel passionate about it then try it out see what you think.


I'm in AZ and we have a shortage of rheumatologist it's hard for my pt to get into them. So for that reason it be great to get some PAs in that field.



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