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Free Applications

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Hi everybody! I'm currently going into my third year of undergraduate school and plan on applying to schools next summer.

I was wondering are there any schools that don't require any fees when applying?

The answer is largely NO. Some schools may waive the supplemental fees for ex or current military, but the CASPA fees are $175.00 for the initial application and $50.00 for each additional school. This is not controlled by the schools, it is controlled by CASPA. There are also the unforeseen fees of sending your transcripts, taking GRE and travelling for interviews. It is an expensive process, my application cycle this year is already well over $1,000 dollars and I haven't even booked flights for two of my interviews.

My advice, start saving for applications now.

Hi everybody! I'm currently going into my third year of undergraduate school and plan on applying to schools next summer.

I was wondering are there any schools that don't require any fees when applying?

Wouldn't that be convenient?


I love the thought but honestly, many schools are up and coming with new PA programs because it's a big money-maker. You may find fees waived under special circumstances like mentioned above but that is uncommon. Prepare to invest some $$$ on the application and interview process. Good luck to you!

I consider myself a decent candidate, and I still spent over $1,000 on applications. This may sound like a lot... but the cost to attend interviews that require travel will be $500 - $700 for me depending on the location.  Spending the dough is required, unfortuantely


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