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residency vs nonresidency statistics

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Hello all, does anybody have credible statistics about PA residency vs nonresidency PA such as salary differences of first official year of working, knowledge gained, satisfaction, GPA requirements, etc. I've been googling for hours and havn't really found that many sources with legit statistics especially on salary differences. Thanks in advance!   

You probably won't find much.  Relative to the # of PAs that graduate, those that do residencies are comparably very small.  Hard to do a lot of analyzing with a small sample size and a never ending string of variables to consider.

I completed a residency and I can say it allowed me to work with a lot of autonomy in a patient population that is very complex. Countless times over the past year where patients were too sick for the providers at other hospitals and were sent to our facility where the PA's/NP's run the CCU. Very satisfying to be able to tune up these folks when the docs at another hospital have thrown their hands up. Regarding pay: I will just say I'm sure I'm making more than I would if I didn't complete a residency.


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