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4rth time reapplicant!! My chances...

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This is my 4rth time applying. First and second years I was testing the waters with zero interviews. Third year (last year) I got 4 interviews but was wait listed but eventually denied by all of them.


Cumulative GPA- 3.4

Science GPA- 3.3

Pre-req GPA- average is 3.55 to 3.62

GRE- verbal 153, quant 149, writing 4.0

Post bacc hours included in this. Last 30 units all A's


These are my current stats:

26 years old

Direct patient care- 5200 hours as EMT in private company (911 and IFT), patient care associate in hospital in the float pool where I work pretty much in ER triage and in the psych units.

Volunteer and community service- 484 hours ER and orthopedic volunteer at LAC/USC medical center. Been on 8 medical mission trips to Mexico that spanned from 3-6 days each. 30 day Mission trip to Hawaii. 21 day church mission trip to South Africa. Volunteer teacher and leader in local Christian church since September 2015.


Shadowing hours- 70 in family practice and over a 100 in orthopedics cause of volunteering at LAC/USC


E-submitted my application to Caspa July 10.


The 4 schools I got interviews from last year was USC, western, Stanford, and touro CA. Do you think I will receive interviews again? What else can I do? Do schools take interest in reapplicants more? Thanks!

Hi there, I have very similar stats as you. Even volunteered at lac+usc and did multiple mission trips im curious, did you have all these stats in your first and second year applying? I'm asking because this is my first year and I want to know my chances of getting an interview. I've been told that I would get an interview from others but hearing that u had no luck the first two times is kind of scary. Good luck to you.

Please, set up a Skype interview with Andy Rodican. Check his website. Clearly since you got interviews last time, you can this time. The interview is so vital and the only reason I destroyed my interview was because of him and his help.



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No, the first and second year I applied in undergrad so I had no health experience and my cumulative gpa was about 3.2 and science 2.95 actually. I also did not have any direct care experience. I actually thought I had a good shot to get in. I was so fooled. Since then I have raised my gpa and science gpa to what it is now by taking around 8 science classes that included repeats at community college. I have taken the gre twice and not really any change between the two occurred.

I think I got interviews the 3rd time reapplying to these California schools because I dramatically improved from the previous cycle and I made sure I wrote a great personal statement. They rejected me off the wait list says usc simply because there just were a lot of other competitive applicants. So if you have stats similar to mine and this is your first cycle, you should be looking pretty good I think to be awarded an interview. I think I kind of did sub par on the interview also

Thats a great story and I applaud you for the commitment and dedication to the profession. I really think that you have a strong application because of the work you did later.

I think you have a chance to get an interview. 


How do you mean sub par? There are a lot of ways to get better at interview skills. advisors on campus, people that hire for companies, admissions advisors, they can all help if you reach out and ask for help. Im wondering if there was something specific about how you interview that made you get declined.

Yea I need to work on nerves for sure. I'm much better when the interviews are light and that they just want to genuinely get to know me versus the ones where it's me and the group panel being serious with those confusing behavioral questions. I tend to freeze in thinking with that. I felt like I was in the bottom of the pack from the start amongst the other interviewees there and I guess that negative thinking materialized in the interviews. So more practice and mental preparation for interviews, cause I do not know what to improve on more in my application.

Well, it seems like you are a well-rounded applicant. I have heard from so many admissions people that once you get an interview, you are on even ground with everyone interviewing. If there are weaknesses in the application, know how to address them. be friendly and personable, a huge aspect of the interview is to see if you will fit in with the rest of the class and faculty. No on wants an awkward coworker or classmate when there has to be discussions and group projects. This will also speak volumes about how you interact with future doctors and patients. But, if you got interviews with what you had, you will probably get some with what you have. I would say have something in your life that adds to your application, but overall, get into some mock interviews with people that give interviews regularly. That will help a lot.

  • 2 months later...

Certain schools DO take interest in reapplicants. But some schools do not care. Personally I received an interview to Campbell last year but this year have not heard back from them, and a friend of mine received an interview to Rutgers last year but this year was promptly rejected after submitting her application.


I used to have that bottom pack mentality too. Like "why am I here... I barely made it here... everyone is so much better than me..." but you just gotta kick those thoughts out of your mind! Those schools obviously saw something in you and it's just your job to show them it!



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