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WOW I think PAs are going to be able to write for Suboxone!!

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Count me out on this one.... I can't think of a worse job in medicine than working with addicts in a pain med clinic.


Seriously are there any PAs out there who do that job who actually like it?


Every MD I have known who works in pain medicine hates it -- they do it only because of the $$$$

I have to see this as progress in level of autonomy and privilege and try to see the positive.


Personally, not a suboxone fan and running a clinic using it - wow, time consuming and staff consuming.


Trying to see the whole glass half full thing.......

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WE are no longer EXCLUDED from it - this is a victory.....


I work in corrections, and I have to call my CP every time a detoxer comes in that I want to taper - pretty rare..... but now I will not have to....  nice!!

Count me out on this one.... I can't think of a worse job in medicine than working with addicts in a pain med clinic.


Seriously are there any PAs out there who do that job who actually like it?


Every MD I have known who works in pain medicine hates it -- they do it only because of the $$$$

This reflects and represents a misunderstanding of the problem of addiction.  Many of the bupenorphine patients in my clinic have nothing to do with pain and never got on it in the first place for pain.  That does exist, but many patients don't arrive at addiction through pain medications

This reflects and represents a misunderstanding of the problem of addiction. Many of the bupenorphine patients in my clinic have nothing to do with pain and never got on it in the first place for pain. That does exist, but many patients don't arrive at addiction through pain medications


My thoughts as well.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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