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Wrong Evaluations, LORS

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Hello!  So have any of you applied to schools that you don't have the exact LORs the schools are asking for?


Example- School wants  1.) PA, 2.)  MD, DO, PA or NP, 3.)  professor


would it be worth applying if the letters I have are PA, RN and professor


I actually have 2 strong letters from professors and a strong PA letter, but my second clinical letter from an RN seems to not be what most schools are asking for.


I am wondering if I should try to find another doctor or physician extender or if it's worth applying to those programs that my letters aren't EXACTLY what they are looking for

Depends on how good the rest of your app is, honestly.


I applied to programs that required or strongly preferred LORs from a PA...I had LORs only from supervisors, none of which were MD/PA/NP/DO etc.  


I got interviews at such schools and any denials were not attributed to who supplied my LOR.  But the rest of my app was hard to ignore so....apply at your own risk, maybe?   Know that it could very well throw you out of contention but if you have the money to spend it's not the worst flaw to have.  I knew I was taking a risk when applying to those programs.


That said, I did contact one program directly bc they required a professor letter and explained that I was several years removed from school and any professor I might be able to find would certainly not remember me - and they insisted I must have a professor letter.  Didn't even attempt to apply there.


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