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2016-2017 Cycle

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I have an interview on 8/26. Anyone else have an interview that day? I am very excited!


Tannn congrats on your acceptance!

Can you tell me what the hardest part of your interview day was and what the essay portion was about?

Thank you!

I have an interview on 8/26. Anyone else have an interview that day? I am very excited!


Tannn congrats on your acceptance!

Can you tell me what the hardest part of your interview day was and what the essay portion was about?

Thank you!

Thank you, and congrats on receiving your interview! 


Someone PM'd me asking a similar question, so I figured it'd only be fair if I told you the same thing I told them.


There are 3 interviews, the first one being a group interview. Mine consisted of 3 people from the admissions committee (program director, capstone project manager, and a current student), and 4 interviewees. You'll answer questions in front of the other interviewees as well, which can be nerve-racking. Most of these questions will be something a long the line of "Tell me a time when..." Each question will be usually be different and directed towards another interviewee, but make sure you pay close attention because there were one or two occasion when the ad com jumped over and asked another interviewee to answer the same question, without actually repeating the question. I feel like I butchered this section of the interview, but there are two following one-on-one interviews afterwards which I'm pretty sure I nailed! 


My tips to you would be.. show genuine compassion! Whether it be towards your future, the PA profession, other interviewees, and the interviewers. Smile, laugh, be happy to be there. Be personable. I think this really saved me from my poor performance during the group interview.


As far as the essay question, it's not something anyone can really prepare for. That's not to say it's difficulty, it's just ethical and scenario-based.


If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

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