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Conflicting Interview Dates (I need immediate help!)

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I have been extremely fortunate and was invited to an interview but unfortunately, it conflicts with an interview I had already set up. Do I email the school and ask for another date and tell them that I'm interviewing somewhere else or do I keep the reasoning out? This is one of my top choices, but I'm interviewing at the other school on their last interview date so I can't change it. Help!!


Edit: I already sent an email, but I'm worried that by pushing back the date, I'll lessen my chances of getting in since it's pretty much a first come first serve basis. I hope I didn't make the wrong call here.

If it were me, I'd call whichever school you want to move, don't tell them that it's for another school (a family or a work conflict maybe) and see if you can move it.


This stuff happens. Time for a white lie.


Good luck!


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