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Did I apply late?

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I applied July 1st, just requested my transcripts from my schools to be submitted. I heard it takes about 2 or 3 weeks for it to be fully processed. That means I probably won't get interviews till much later, after everything is processed. I know that other people have got their interviews and acceptances already. Do most schools start interviewing after the deadline or they start before? Just worried at the moment. Non rolling admission schools that is.

1 July is not late. Yes, some are already hearing things, but you're fine. Make sure no deadlines for the programs you want have passed, get verified, and get ready for the waiting game. Deep breaths.

June and July still considered early or late? I wanted to apply early, but some things happen. Does most of the schools start filling up their seats well before the deadline?

Read the school threads on the schools you applied to and you'll get a feel for when people applied/ interviewed/ heard back. Also take a look at the dates in the accepted threads.


You're fine.

Exactly as cop to pa said, check the school thread. All 12+ schools I applied to all show that the earliest people hear about interviews is August! So it really depends on what school if you're late or not (like if they are already interviewing). Otherwise I've seen a lot of people apply in July and August on here and still get interviews and accepted. I consider this time not early, but not late either.


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