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Starting my senior year... need advice!

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Hi everyone!


I just happened upon this website browsing around today. I'm hoping it's a really good fit for me, as I'm really invested in the pre-PA life, but don't really have friends to talk to about it!


This fall, i'm going to start senior year of college. I will be graduating with a degree in Human Physiology. I am a CNA, and will have approximately 2,000 HCE hours by the time I start my app. I have volunteer experience serving the underserved through a nonprofit that provides free medical care downtown in the city where I live. I also have some unique experience coordinating a wellness center on my college campus for students. 


What I'm really looking for is some general guidance/experience. Is there anything you guys wish you would have known before starting your senior year? 


I know this is super broad, but it's my first post and I'm just getting the feel for things!


Thanks everyone,


i would say you're off to a good start. Just make sure your cumulative gpa and science gpa are 3.2+. Also i would recommend getting shadow experience and keep accumulating those HCE hours. 

The majority of us are old :)  lol


I would just make sure to get straight As in all classes.  for the young "20-something" applicants, a lot of the them who get accepted have really stellar GPAs. A lot of them have higher than average GPA and lower than average PCE.   It appears that you will have more PCE than a typical 22 year old applicant... but I'd still focus on getting perfect grades.  And study for the GRE.. strive to get into the 60% percentile in all 3 categories.  But if you even manage to score about 50% in all three categories, then you should still be a good candidate.  Good luck!


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