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CASPA Science GPA includes...?

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Hey guys, I couldn't find this answer of the CASPA page or in the archives here...I apologize if this is a repost...


I'm trying to calculate my science GPA for CASPA- I know that the traditional sciences are included (like biology, chem, and physics), and I've read that any medical training (my EMT class for instance) is also included. However, I wasn't sure about Neuroscience classes. I'm a double major in Bio and Neuroscience and thus many of my classes full under 'Neuroscience'. Many of these classes are offered under the "psych" department (i.e. Behavioral Neuroscience is PSYC4340) although some are offered through the biology dept. Will any of these Neuro classes count towards my science GPA? It seems logical that they should being that they are neuroSCIENCE classes, but as well all know CASPA isn't always logical. 


Thanks for any input. 





Ok I see that now, thanks. I guess my question still stands-take my class behavioral neuroscience for example. In the class title is "Neuroscience" so based on that chart I'd assume that it's included in the science GPA. However, it's really more of a behavioral science class based on content... so... It's up to CASPAs discretion?

Ok I see that now, thanks. I guess my question still stands-take my class behavioral neuroscience for example. In the class title is "Neuroscience" so based on that chart I'd assume that it's included in the science GPA. However, it's really more of a behavioral science class based on content... so... It's up to CASPAs discretion?


Title and yes. It's up to CASPA's discretion.

Guest GoyaHoya69

any classes in the psych dept should probably be put in as a psych class, and any classes in biology should probably be put in as a biology science class.


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