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University of South Carolina PA Program 2016-2017

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Just wanted to make a thread for anybody applying to the USC School of Medicine PA Program (not MUSC). I was verified June 15th but have not heard anything from the school. The website says the supplemental application is supposed to be available in mid to late June. Has anybody heard anything?

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I believe they will only email to qualified applicants for supplemental. But please double check. I have applying here too but my application is not verified yet. How long it took to verify your application?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I received an email a few days ago saying that my application was being reviewed. Good luck to everyone!


When was your application verified? And have you received the supplemental application yet?


When was your application verified? And have you received the supplemental application yet?


 My application was verified on June 22 and I just received my supplemental! How about you?

  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone have ANY clue how this interview is going to be? I got the packet and everything but I'm so nervous on what they're going to ask or if its a group interview compared to individual

Hi everyone! I was part of the August 5th interview group as well. I thought the faculty and staff were very knowledgeable about starting up a new program and was very impressed with the program they have put together. Everyone was very welcoming and accommodating. They say we will know within four weeks, hopefully sooner! They were pretty quick to invite after supplemental applications.

I just got my link for the secondary application and submitted it Saturday.  I was surprised how fast they responded since my Caspa application was only verified the week before.  Hope to get an interview.

The interview is individually. Don't be nervous! The staff is incredibly nice and welcoming and it's evident that they have all worked very diligently to prepare a great program for their future students. Once you get there, all the nerves will fade (hopefully)!


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