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Nervous about starting...

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Just relax! PA school is tough for a few months until you get the hang of it.. but a groove can definitely be found. Our class just got over the top of the mountain (Pulmonary immediately followed by Cardiology) and I can honestly say that learning to prioritise and keeping on top of things are the most important!


I personally had the most trouble with anatomy.. download an app to buzz through the body a bit but otherwise enjoy your current free time! I'd be happy to answer any questions or worries you may have!

Breath and be thankful you were given this opportunity. It's not the difficulty of the subjects, but the volume of information in my view. That firehose analogy is real!! You'll get into a flow and find out what works for you. Multiple exams per week some weeks will just become your new normal. You learn what you can, and then review it later if you didn't get it the first time. I know I did that with whole subjects from first year. Heck, it's still that way now! I'm always learning more about something I thought I knew.


But the good news is you'll see the material over and over again throughout clinical year as well. Times will be tough for the next two years, but it's gonna pass by SO fast. I say this as a PA-S that cannot believe he has less 6 weeks left...

Just take it a day at a time, make friends, and keep up. The rest will take care of itself. 


The nerves were a big deal for me; I was much older than my classmates and way more removed from being a full-time student. Dealing with it was the major theme of my book.


You'll do fine; most students do,


Good luck!

I'm only 2 weeks in but the best advice I've gotten so far is to accept that you can't learn everything.  Even in 2 years when you graduate, you won't know everything.  They may assign hours and hours of reading/assignments/studying but know that there literally aren't enough hours in the day.  Find what works for you, prioritize, organize, and stay ahead of the game whenever possible.

Everyone feels that way! --like actually everyone.  For most people, this is the moment they've been waiting for.  They've heard stories about how PA school will be and they know they want to well, so nerves are completely normal.  How do you overcome that?  Recognize that just about everyone is nervous but finds a way conquer PA school.   If you were accepted, you have what it takes to do well.  You'll never know everything, but if you do your best, you'll be a great practitioner.  Because you care enough to be nervous going into PA school, I can tell that you will be someone who will try hard and therefore will be a great PA. 


 I'd like share some advice that helped me survive PA school...



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