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Application Cycle 2016 - 2017

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I applied! I did't get a confirmation from them, but, after I emailed, they said that they had everything they needed from me. (heart attack postponed for another day) 

I applied! I did't get a confirmation from them, but, after I emailed, they said that they had everything they needed from me. (heart attack postponed for another day) 


I feel like most of this process is postponing a heart attack for another day.  I never realized how impatient I was until this application.  I always knew I was impulsive, but this is taking it to the next level.


Good luck!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The supplemental application (their "Graduate School" site) asks for unofficial transcripts to be uploaded, but I went through it and don't see a place to upload them. Does anyone know if this is actually required? (I did submit all official transcripts to CASPA, so maybe that satisfies the requirement?)

The supplemental application (their "Graduate School" site) asks for unofficial transcripts to be uploaded, but I went through it and don't see a place to upload them. Does anyone know if this is actually required? (I did submit all official transcripts to CASPA, so maybe that satisfies the requirement?)


Where did you see that?  This is what was written on my application, and pretty much the only mention of transcripts:

"If you are recommended for admission you will need to provide an official transcript (sent to us by mail directly from the institution). Your offer of admission will be contingent upon the receipt and verification of these official documents (which must show the award of degrees where appropriate.) Do not send official records until we request them from you."


If it makes you feel better, I don't recall uploading any transcripts, and I have already received an email from JMU PA that they have received my verified CASPA and grad app.

Where did you see that?  This is what was written on my application, and pretty much the only mention of transcripts:

"If you are recommended for admission you will need to provide an official transcript (sent to us by mail directly from the institution). Your offer of admission will be contingent upon the receipt and verification of these official documents (which must show the award of degrees where appropriate.) Do not send official records until we request them from you."


If it makes you feel better, I don't recall uploading any transcripts, and I have already received an email from JMU PA that they have received my verified CASPA and grad app.


That does make me feel better, thank you! 


I see it when I log into the Graduate School site, on the home page: "One unofficial transcript from each university attended must be uploaded within the application. Please do not mail transcripts as part of your admission application; we only accept unofficial uploads for application evaluation. If you are offered admission, one official transcript for each university attended will be required prior to the first day of the term."

That does make me feel better, thank you! 


I see it when I log into the Graduate School site, on the home page: "One unofficial transcript from each university attended must be uploaded within the application. Please do not mail transcripts as part of your admission application; we only accept unofficial uploads for application evaluation. If you are offered admission, one official transcript for each university attended will be required prior to the first day of the term."


hmmm, thats weird.   But on the actual application, I didn't see a spot for transcripts to be uploaded either.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I just received an email from JMU yesterday inviting me for an interview so you should be hearing from them soon.


Does anyone know how JMU does graduate interviews or have any pointers on what to wear and how to prepare? This will be my first grad school interview and I'm an already anxious about it.


Thanks! and Good luck to everyone!

I received an interview invite email on 9/5 with options to interview on 9/9 or 9/16. I will be interviewing on 9/16, good luck everyone!


I also chose the 9-16 slot. I guess I will be seeing you there!

Do you have any information on how they conduct their interviews?

  • 2 weeks later...

jmfam, I applied to JMU in June 2015 and waited an incredibly long time for a response- it was torture.  By January 2016 I was getting antsy and called to see if there was any update- they said my application had not been rejected.  Then I received a rejection email in March.  So don't worry at all that you haven't heard anything...you may not for a few months.  I've built up more patient care hours and applied again this year and haven't heard anything yet.

jmfam, I applied to JMU in June 2015 and waited an incredibly long time for a response- it was torture.  By January 2016 I was getting antsy and called to see if there was any update- they said my application had not been rejected.  Then I received a rejection email in March.  So don't worry at all that you haven't heard anything...you may not for a few months.  I've built up more patient care hours and applied again this year and haven't heard anything yet.

Thank you for sharing that. It's so hard to not equate silence with "nope" so I appreciate this information!  Best of luck in your apps :)

My application was verified on CASPA on July 29 but I just got an email from JMU yesterday saying that my application had been received and verified.  I think they are catching up with everyone who applied in July :)

I interviewed on 9/16, got an email on 9/26 stating that my name had been "forwarded to The Graduate School at JMU with the recommendation of acceptance," my status on MyMadison changed from "complete" to "admitted" yesterday, and official acceptance letters were sent out today according to the graduate school. So excited to be accepted, good luck to everyone else!

Dhf95- what was your major and what type of clinical experience did you have?

I am currently a senior finishing my BS in Health Sciences. I'm super excited to have been accepted on my first time applying, especially since a lot of people don't get accepted right out of undergrad. I have been an EMT for about 2 years along with some clinical volunteer work. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. 


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