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University of Bridgeport starting in January (hopefully)

Would you go to a school that only has provisional accreditation?  

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  1. 1. Would you go to a school that only has provisional accreditation?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not Sure

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Hey everyone,

The Univeristy of Bridgeport in CT is looking to acquire provisional accreditation with the first class beginning in January 2011 if all goes well. If they don't get provisional status they will postpone the first class until they get accredited. That would make the third program in CT; a plus for me because of location and price.


What are your thoughts about being the first class at a new PA program?


more info found here



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If Im not mistaken I read somewhere that if you attend a program that has provisional accedidation when you start but does not receive accredidation you can still sit for the PANCE


If thats actually the case then Imost certainly would if I did not have other choices..

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  • Administrator

Provisional accreditation means they're just starting out. That's not the same as probationary accreditation, which means the program is not (or was recently not) meeting standards. The latter is justifiably stigmatized; the former has no reason to be.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guthriesm

I would do it if it was convenient and had a good concept. Go to the school, tour, ask tons of questions about how they plan to teach. Find out about clinical rotations and their ability to provide solid rotations. We had a school open here in ATL and the first class just graduated. I am applying now while the school is still under provisional. You can sit for PANCE as long as they are provisionally accredited when you enroll.

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Guest guthriesm

Mercer has not received their full accreditation- they just graduated their first class and are due for inspection.

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Guest guthriesm

Their PA program is only at the ATL campus and they said in my open house the inspection is due any time. It looks like a solid program though so I am very comfortable with my application.

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