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IPAP Class 2011 001,002,003

Guest Music&Medicine

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Guest Music&Medicine

Thought i would put up a thread for the students that will be attending IPAP starting in 2011. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan but am stationed at Maxwell AFB, AL. Married with three kids. As of now i am attending the August 2011 class.

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M&M- I'm a junior in the 3-10 class. Good luck and be sure to brush up on some biochem and anatomy and physiology before you get here. Your curriculum is substantially easier now that the school has transitioned to a 16 month program. Our class is the last 12 month phase I. If you have any questions, send me a private message on the forum board.


Good luck.



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Hi, I'm attending the August 2011 class as well. Wondering if anyone can give any insight into the 16-month vs 12-month didactic phase. Any observations on how things are done differently? Is it for the better or worse in your opinion? What's a typical day like (schedule, etc)? Thanks in advance. There seems to be a real dearth of info for those of us on deck waiting to start.

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