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Dietetic Internship hours count?

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It seems that it would count as patient care experience. I don't have any experience with dietetics internships but my only possible objection would be that if it involved research (see below from caspa) which it doesn't seem like it is, anyways.


RESEARCH: research work you performed OUTSIDE of work you received credit for on your academic transcripts

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I only counted my dietetic internship in the health related training section in CASPA. I included my paid work as an RD as my HCE. I think you cannot put what interns do and actual work in the same category. CASPA lists completing training to become an RN, CNA, EMT also in health related training, which I think is comparable. Hope that helps!

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cam - I was in the same situation as you. I will only have about 2 years experience as an RD (by the time I enter PA school), and I had originally thought dietetic internship hours would count. I had always planned on going to PA school eventually, but figured I would work as an RD for a longer period of time. Unfortunately, I got bored and frustrated really quickly. Based on the CASPA FAQs, it really doesn't count as direct patient care experience. It's not a paid position, and even if you are doing the job of the dietitian, interacting with patients, and documenting, you still are under the supervision of a dietitian which makes it more of a "shadowing" type of experience. You can call programs directly and ask, but I highly doubt it's going to fly. Despite that, it definitely is a really good experience and you will learn A LOT.

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