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Required coursework questions

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I am looking at applying to USD's program next year and was hoping to get some advice regarding the pre-reqs. I have been a nurse for the last 6.5 years, so it's been awhile since I've been in school. I am hoping to meet the suggested 10 year deadline with my credits. Does anyone know-are they pretty strict with the 10 year mark?

I have to take a few courses to meet all my pre-reqs as well and am trying to schedule them while working full time. Does it matter where I get my credits from, as long as it's an accredited school? Also, in looking for an additional biology, or anat/phys, what level should I take? (ie-100, 200) I just don't want anything to hinder my chances! Also, do we need a lab with biochem? I didn't see it listed, but when I am looking up available courses, I see a lab offered also.


any input or advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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