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Class of 2014!!

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Congrats Brooke! SUNY Upstate is my top choice. I interviewed Nov.16th and received a Hold for Comparison email on Dec. 5. I was curious to when you interviewed, your GPA, GRE score, how many clinical hours, and how many shadowing hours? I know these are very personal questions so if you don't feel comfortable sharing then thats fine. Just curious how I stack up against people that are being accepted. Thanks

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Hey Hannah, I am terrible at checking this site for discussions so sorry it's been like a month since you asked the housing question. I looked at off campus housing through Nannette Natoli from Upstate Leasing LLC. She was pretty helpful, all you have to do is tell her your stipulations (like I wanted a 2 bedroom and I have a dog) and she found me a few to look at! I'm living with another girl from our program down on Howard Street. Let me know if I can help you look :). Also, as sketchy as it sounds, there are a lot of options available on Craigslist...even links to apartment complexes that aren't owned by creepers. Good luck! I'll see you soon :smile:

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