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Contract help!

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I need help in understanding the location clause in my job contract?


It states that "during the period of his/her employment under this agreement the employee shall not be employed by or otherwise engage in or be interested in any business in competition with the company, or with any of its subsidiaries of affiliates within 10 mile radius of all location for 2 years".


Does it mean that I can't work within 10 mile radius of all of the hospital that the doctor is affiliated with??

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I need help in understanding the location clause in my job contract?


It states that "during the period of his/her employment under this agreement the employee shall not be employed by or otherwise engage in or be interested in any business in competition with the company, or with any of its subsidiaries of affiliates within 10 mile radius of all location for 2 years".


Does it mean that I can't work within 10 mile radius of all of the hospital that the doctor is affiliated with??


You need to have a lawyer look at this. I would interpret that as you can't work within 10 miles of any company offices. If the company is a hospital then yes.

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