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What do you love about being a hospitalist PA?

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Hello everyone!! I'm a long time reader and first time poster!


I am looking into hospitalist positions and am wondering what all the hospitalist PAs have to say about their jobs. I have minimal experience in inpatient medicine and want to know what you love about your job.



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I have been a PA in Internal Medicine for 10 years and have been a PA in Hospital Medicine for the last 5. I really enjoy being a part of the hospitalist team and work with some great people. I like the fact that you are not doing the same thing everyday. Sure, you working every day, but no two days are the same. Also, I like the fact that I learn something new every day! I really enjoy critical care as it really puts your skills to the test. If you are looking at working as a hospitalist, make sure you are part of a great team and find our what your role (including limitations) will be. I find it very rewarding.....

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I have been a PA in Internal Medicine for 10 years and have been a PA in Hospital Medicine for the last 5. I really enjoy being a part of the hospitalist team and work with some great people. I like the fact that you are not doing the same thing everyday. Sure, you working every day, but no two days are the same. Also, I like the fact that I learn something new every day! I really enjoy critical care as it really puts your skills to the test. If you are looking at working as a hospitalist, make sure you are part of a great team and find our what your role (including limitations) will be. I find it very rewarding.....

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Of the two hiring rounds I've been a part of, neither looked at pre-pa experience. What was important was experience as a PA. However, institutions differ partly based on the amount of autonomy the hired PA will have. Hospitalist jobs seem to be plentiful right now in the northeast, and I don't see this changing with the new work hour restrictions that went into place this July. The best way to get a job in this arena is to rotate on a PA hospitalist service, either as a mandatory rotation or even better as an elective.


Hospital medicine is a great job to build foundations. You will continually see new and strange things while still treating the bread and butter (pneumonia, COPD, diverticulitis, GI bleeds) of medicine

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Of the two hiring rounds I've been a part of, neither looked at pre-pa experience. What was important was experience as a PA. However, institutions differ partly based on the amount of autonomy the hired PA will have. Hospitalist jobs seem to be plentiful right now in the northeast, and I don't see this changing with the new work hour restrictions that went into place this July. The best way to get a job in this arena is to rotate on a PA hospitalist service, either as a mandatory rotation or even better as an elective.


Hospital medicine is a great job to build foundations. You will continually see new and strange things while still treating the bread and butter (pneumonia, COPD, diverticulitis, GI bleeds) of medicine

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