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Opinions on new grad ER offer please!!!

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Hoping for some opinions from y'all

ER offer for a new grad in a rural western state ER:

90k a year salary for 10 shifts a month 24 hour shifts with 10-12 hours in hospital the rest on call

3 on 6 off with an average census of 7 patients a day!

Full health dental and vision for me and option to pay for plan for my wife and kids

Malpractice , licensing, ATLS certification paid for

1500 a year for CME

Cell phone paid for

No paid time off



What do you guys think?

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Monetary wise it is an ok offer at best. If you break down the math based on base salary alone (as the benefits are about average) the hourly rate is not that impressive. Lets you works 120 hours active and 1/2 hours on call. This comes out to (90K/12)= 7500 per month. 7500/180= $42 and hour. Now lets saw 1/3 of the hours (40 hours on call time worked). 7500 month/ 160= $47 per hour. Not that impressive if you break the numbers down like that. Benefits are above average. I would have to agree with EMED on this one though. I am a recent grad and have been working in the ER for 5 months. Couldn't imagine doing solo coverage at all and I would be leery to say any new grad could handle this. I would not want to put my license on the line or a patient's life on the line like that. But to each there own. If this is your only option good luck. If you are worried that this is too good an offer to pass up don't be. There are plenty of great ER gigs out there that pay more and are better suited to new grads.

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