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Tamiflu thoughts

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What are everyone's general opinions regarding oseltamivir? I find myself more and more sketical of its utility. Is the high monetary cost worth the possible one day reduction in just symptoms (not hospitalizations) worth it? I'm not so sure in 'normal' relatively healthy patients. In the critcally ill with high co morbidity, maybe it's worth a shot.


No flu in my neck of the woods yet and minimal nationwide.... But its coming, no doubt. Just curious what you guys are thinking!

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As E has pointed out, fewer pt populations are indicated for therapy. As I explain to patients, it's the exact same rationale for strep treatment. Lessen symptoms/duration of illness and lessen infectiousness toward others. BMI >40 is also an indication, which includes about a third of the US population it seems.  See CDC for guidelines on who qualifies.

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I definitely prescribe it for those patients EMEDPA listed. Everyone else, I give them a 30sec spiel on the medicine and ask if they want it. Most take the Rx - they may or may not actually fill it when the pharmacy tells them the $. Do I take it for myself? Heck no, I take motrin and work right through it. But last year my husband had the flu and his co-pay for the tamiflu was $0 so it seemed like a no brainer so he took it.

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Anyone remember all the Japanese folks commiting suicide years ago and it being associated with Tamiflu? FDA was never able to find a causation link but it was big news for a while, thus the package insert warning. It's third in line of "serious rxns at Epocrates.

" I paid 200 bucks for this crap and I still have a fever and body aches 2 hrs after the first dose? might as well off myself...."

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" I paid 200 bucks for this crap and I still have a fever and body aches 2 hrs after the first dose? might as well off myself...."


Precisely the reason why I almost never prescribe this stuff...most people don't show up in time for it to be any use and taking only a day or two off the course of the illness doesn't exactly paint a good cost/benefit ratio too me.



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