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PA student wanting to become a surgical PA

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Is it neccessary(or strongly reccomended) to undergo some sort of post-graduate surgical residency before attempting to get or even apply for a surgical PA job? Any personal experiences of being turned away for not doing a residency? Is it hard to get a surgical job first year out of school?


I'm a junior in a PA program and the last year i've been shadowing at a surgical center and I absolutley love it, i mostly see orthopoedic surgeries or opthal. Just trying to plan for the future :)

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Try the search function. There are many threads on this subject.


In brief, the residency will help. But the lack of one is not a deal breaker. Nor is attending a generalist PA program vs a surgical focus program.

New grads can always find an entry level surgical PA job, treat it like a residency, and then upgrade to a better job after gaining some experience.

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