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Psychology majors, how was it as a psych major?

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Can you elaborate on why?


Yeah sorry kind of a cut off reply. Most didn't utilize it whatsoever. I would recommend getting a degree which could benefit you more in the long run. IE major in something which you could have a fall back or a degree which could help you earn HCE hours. Dietetics, Respiratory therapy, etc. Some of my friends did Nutritional Sciences and focused on conducting clinical trials in college. They became CRAs after undergrad and made money while earning HCE hours. 

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I was a psych major 15 years ago. I wouldn't recommend it. 2 years later I went back for Rad Tech school. I went into it uneducated and young and wanted to do more abnormal/counseling type stuff. However, the majority of my course work was research and 15 page papers about it, and that is not my strong subject! If you take several other science/bio classes as a minor, that might be ok if you are doing pre PA classes.

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I actually had a great experience as a Psych major. I enjoyed all of my classes and never had a problem taking them with pre reqs for PA school. I found them all extremely manageable and have learned a lot of information that I think will help me when treating patients.

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