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Is PA the PA State?

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Hi all,


After reading this form, I'm becoming a little discouraged about becoming a PA. I'm considering to going to a 5 year PA program in the great state of PA. I want to practice here, but am really discouraged about seeing how we have some of the lowest salaries nationwide. Is this improving at all? I also hear that there was a very limited amount of jobs, is this still true?



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YUP. not a bad place to practice scope of practice wise but they do have the lowest salaries in the country. a good friend of mine who graduated with me works there in the same specialty (em) and makes slightly more than half my salary for an equivalent workload....hard to make more than 80k/yr there in any specialty....just like nyc..lots of programs/new grads there so salaries are low as a supply/demand issue.

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As said above, it's a supply/demand issue...especially in the Philadelphia region. Mid-state and the Pittsburgh area may be better because there aren't a bazillion schools there, but I don't know for sure. I am from PA, my family lives in PA, and I went to PA school in, you guessed it, PA. Where do I work? CT. And I believe the majority of my graduating class also got jobs out of state. If there's a school in PA that you really want to attend, go for it regardless of possible future salary because in 5 years you don't really know what you'll like or where you may end up. Good luck!

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agree with above...I went to hahnemann(now drexel) and then moved to california to work...

pennsylvania has some great schools(drexel, pcom) so no problem going to school there, just don't expect a job there when you are done...


Another Hahnemann/Drexel grad here..agree with the above post, there are some great PA schools in the state. Maybe TOO many great schools contributing to the too much supply decreasing demand and keeping salaries low.


For most of my career I have worked in the southeast part of the state..philly area, south NJ with a year break venturing to DC but ultimately came back to northeast PA. My family is here and that is important to me. I'm fortunate in that I have the perfect job, truly. In exchange for that job I accept a salary that is less then I can make if I chose to move. But, life is about choices and for me the great job and being close to family is an ok trade off for the lower salary.


Funny, just had this conversation with a colleague today...sometimes there are more important things to consider than just the salary alone......

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I will be graduating from a Philadelphia program next year and am stuck in the area for 3 years after that. My fiancee will be finishing his 1st year out of 4 of residency at a philadelphia hospital. Do you have any advice for finding a job in the area?

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arlake, have you become a member of PSPA? There is some great networking going on there. I have been raised, schooled and worked in PA. There are just too many schools which is probably driving down the salaries. PSPA is also looking into that situation. I also agree with MaryFran's sentiments, regarding there is more to like than money.

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