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What do you anticipate for PA school? What are you worried about, looking forward to

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Share your thoughts on this: what are you looking forward to for PA school? What are you worried about? What do you want to do before you go?


I will be moving halfway across the country so it will definitely be a big change for me. Looking forward to not having to work! And of course learning medicine. Hoping to go home before I start school but I doubt I'll get much time to do so.

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I also look forward to not working. It's not that I don't like working, per se... but I enjoy the idea of having weekends for study time instead of being spent scrambling around like crazy to make ends. I'm looking forward to the road trip that will take place to begin school out of state. I also look forward to taking classes that I will apply towards my career goals. There were a few in undergrad that were just stinkers and probably will never be used again (o-chem, population biology, ugghhhh...). Oh, and lastly, it'll be nice to have a schedule that's in line with my fiance's schedule, at least during didactic.


On the other hand, it'll be scary to live entirely off of debt. It'll also be a little nerve-wracking to take tests that might spell the end of my PA student run... but I'm not too worried about that. :)

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I have read in several places that the dropout/non-complete stats for med school are >90%. It sounds like once a med school admits a student, they do eveything they can to help make sure they graduate. Does anybody know if stats for PA school are similar?


It's bit of a thread drift, but the answer to your question depends on the PA school. I have read stats on programs where they admit 50 and only 20 make it sit for the boards and less than that pass on their first time taking the exam. The opposite is also true...my school may lose one and that is reported to be for non academic reasons (finances, family emergencies, profound illnesses) UW is very committed to ensuring that you get through the program, assuming you are willing to work. They pay for tutors if you start failing tests and such. Research the programs you are interested in.

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I am looking forward to a lot of things! I am excited to meet people in my class and make new friends, and I am excited to be in school again. I am also really excited for rotations. Thinking about rotations will help me get through the overwhelming classroom portion.


I am a little nervous about the adjustment to the large course load. I am sure I won't have a problem with it eventually, but at first I imagine it will be a shocker.


Before PA School starts I am going to take a month off of work and enjoy my time at home, maybe go on a vacation :)

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