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PA Safety Data

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My local hospital district has always provided new practices physicians with a 2 year salary guarantee in order to bring new practices into our rural area. I have applied for the same type salary guarantee and was told "we have never done that for a non physician or podiatrist." Fortunately I used to be on the hospital board and know a lot of the players so I have a better chance of pulling this off than most. I anticipate some push back about quality of care and safety etc just like we always seem to get. I know there are good studies about these issues but haven't needed them in a long time so I was hoping the group could point me in the right direction or even post the files if you have them. Thanks in advance.

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see the PA literature section I started above. The literature on PA quality of care is terribly inadequate given the role we are about to play in the health care system. 


I never saw this section... heading there right away! Also, I think you make a good point here- the amount of literature surrounding PA quality of care is pathetic... however there is a great deal surrounding patient satisfaction with PAs and wayyyyyyyyy too much literature on the extent to which PA's practice medicine.

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