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Please support Seattle Class 49. Here is some pretty cool gear. 

There will be more to come!!!


The cost will depend on how many of each item we sell. T-shirts will be between $15 and $20, the sweatshirts are going to run between $35 and $40. The gear likely won't arrive until the second week of December. If you are coming from out of state you won't get it until you show up here. As far as payment, we will try to work out an online quick pay option, but for now just place your orders because we will be ordering on Wednesday 11/25. The proceeds will go towards our challenge bowl team that will be competing at the AAPA national convention in San Antonio.


Message me for any questions! 


Hoodie (unisex): https://www.customink.com/g/gvx0-00ac-cpt3

Dark heather grey women's hoodie: https://www.customink.com/g/gvx0-00ac-cujv

Heather purple women's hoodie: https://www.customink.com/g/gvx0-00ac-cpc7

Vintage purple T-shirt (unisex): https://www.customink.com/g/gvx0-00ac-cnma

Women's v-neck T-shirt: https://www.customink.com/g/gvx0-00ac-cp9e


Thanks in advance!!!

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