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Who's gone to the PA Board Review in Irvine with Joe Gilroy?

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Would like to hear what was your experience with this course.

I'm new to this forum, just getting back into PA profession after a looong hiatus (1996)! I'm

setting up my study plan to prep for my PANCE (yes, it's been awhile). I have taken and passed the my boards twice but I feel like am starting from scratch. I will be doing a multi-focal approach to studying.

I want to take a live review course but not the cme resources course -took it once and didn't like it - felt like overload and too much $$ with course and all the travel, hotel etc

Also I know I need to do some core academic study and have looked at the Challenger Online course that seems to meet my needs, but it's pricey at $595.


Can anyone suggest a course with audio component? Anyone have a used Emery review course (DVD or CD - ROM) for sale?

Thanks in advance!

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Guest c-leigh

Joe Gilboy is the BEST. I did his review for the PANCE and passed 1st time. I've been talking with a professor at one of the schools who said that the only people in their program who DON'T pass in their program are those who don't take his course. I highly highly highly suggest his course! It is well worth it!!!

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