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Interview Info

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My understanding is that 3 or 4 applicants interview with two separate panels of 4 or 5 admissions committee members for 30 or 40 minutes each. Don't take this as gospel, especially the numbers, but I do believe it is something along that line. Also, I believe I remember that the questions asked in the interview rotate between the applicants, so the same person won't have to answer first or last every time. If you have more questions I would just email the school and ask for specifics. Hope that helps!

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A couple years ago I was granted an interview. They notified in December and did all interviews in mid-late January I believe making decisions by end of February. This year the email says they will notify in December again. I actually work for this university at the medical school so let me know if you have any other questions.

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srh57, South Dakota, like any state has a unique culture. Vermillion itself is a pretty small town, ~10,000 people so that is something to adjust to depending on where you are from. We consider towns with 150,000 people "big cities". Anyway, I don't know when the out of state interviews are, but my interview in the 29th of Jan. Good luck to you and enjoy your stay here! If you haven't already made hotel reservations, I would recommend the Holiday Inn Express. It is the newest one in town and pretty much a straight shot to the med school right down Dakota Ave. If you want food suggestions, I can certainly give those out later too! Once again, best of luck to you!

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thanks for your help. My interview will be on Jan 22 at 8am. I have decided to stay at Super8 hotels just cause its cheap and initially I wanted to arrive two days prior to interview to see the town.But now i will be there just one day prior. I just wanna know if there is any subway around or any other salad place?

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I just got back from SD this am. I was pretty impressed by everyone whom I came across with. U R SIMPLY WONDERFUL PEOPLE...FRIENDLY AND CONSIDERATE

I hope I get in the program so I can live there in near future.

Good luck with ur interview on 29, jferguson



I love subway.. I think its the healthy food outside the house tht I can eat :)

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