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Finding Shadowing Opportunities and Jobs

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I am currently a teacher and as such have spent most of my life either in school or teaching in a school. I've worked a few retail jobs but other than that I am a little lost as how to go about finding a job outside of an educational setting or just walking into a retail store and applying.


How do you go about finding a job as say a CNA, or volunteering at a physical therapy office? I look at websites like indeed and it seems to be slim pickings but I always hear of people getting jobs at physical therapy offices, etc. 

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Check hospital websites specifically.  I usually do a google search for hospitals/clinics and then go to their individual websites and find their career sections.  Not everyone advertises on indeed.  I've also used monster, career builder, etc but some don't post to those sites at all.

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Regular job searching websites, like Indeed, commonly have positions posted on there.  The other thing I do is go on google, search all of the hospitals in my area, make a list, and just visit each one of their websites.  Every single one of them had a website with job postings or how to find out about their job postings.

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