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Anyone here ever heard of PA legal consultant?

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As a Biomedical Engineer, I have been in the court room several times, due to patients and lowyers (being sarcastic here) filing law suites. A number of months ago, I noticed that two of the consultants they had brought in was a legal "certified" nurse practioner legal consultant and a physician assistant "certified" legal consultant.


Now, I have been browsing several nursing sites and the two top PA sites (this one and PAed), in order to see how one would go about getting into this with no luck.



Just wondering, if anyone on this site have looked at this or actually works for a law firm as a consultant?

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As a Biomedical Engineer, I have been in the court room several times, due to patients and lowyers (being sarcastic here) filing law suites. A number of months ago, I noticed that two of the consultants they had brought in was a legal "certified" nurse practioner legal consultant and a physician assistant "certified" legal consultant.


Now, I have been browsing several nursing sites and the two top PA sites (this one and PAed), in order to see how one would go about getting into this with no luck.



Just wondering, if anyone on this site have looked at this or actually works for a law firm as a consultant?

There are lots of us that do legal consulting. As far as I know there is no certification for PAs. For that matter there is a Legal Nurse Consultant certification (CLNC) but thats for RNs. The certification qualifications specifically say the credential is for an RN. On the other hand both PAs and NPs can be certified Ie PA-C. So I guess it depends on where the -C is.

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