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Anyone applying to the 2011-2012 cycle??

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I am from Seattle but originally from Baltimore. Planning to apply to the lower division sometime next year. Hope the program stays the same .HU is on my top list of programs to apply too. I really miss the DMV ! My kids are grown, time to make a move to the next level. Hope to have my associates soon one more class left to go before applying. HU is a great program which is in a urban setting which I prefer. I have been a ER Tech for a many years now its time to move on to bigger and better things.

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I am from Seattle but originally from Baltimore. Planning to apply to the lower division sometime next year. Hope the program stays the same .HU is on my top list of programs to apply too. I really miss the DMV ! My kids are grown, time to make a move to the next level. Hope to have my associates soon one more class left to go before applying. HU is a great program which is in a urban setting which I prefer. I have been a ER Tech for a many years now its time to move on to bigger and better things.


Hey John Q. How have you been? Glad to hear you are getting ready to take that step. Good luck in your future PA-S endeavors.

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Hey to all,


I am really interestedin HU, but I can't seem to decide if applying into the Lower Division would be a smart moved or waiting to get pre-reqs out of the way and complete all the LD classes before applying for Upper Division. I have read that Lower Division students are looked at before viewing students that applying new. Anybody that has been a accepted student have any input on this? I can't seem to get help from the school except to apply or review the classes myself and decipher if the classes would be accepted by what their classes seem to be about. This is hard since this could mean I would have to move before I even get accepted 8 hours away.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hello I applied to the upper division for PA school, has anyone heard anything from the admissons?


Hey Vee_Lady,

I applied to the upper division as well & received a letter via snail mail saying they got my stuff & that decisions will be mailed out late december for those who have applied by nov. 1st. Regular decision will be mailed out beginning in Feb and continue throughout april. That's about all i know. When did you apply?

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Hello I applied to the upper division for PA school, has anyone heard anything from the admissons?


Hey Vee_Lady,

I applied to the upper division as well & received a letter via snail mail saying they got my stuff & that decisions will be mailed out late december for those who have applied by nov. 1st. Regular decision will be mailed out beginning in Feb and continue throughout april. That's about all i know. When did you apply?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello All:


I have a question. Do you think its best to complete prereqs at CC and then apply to UD, or should one transfer credits already earned and start the LD at HU? Im a little confused as to what I should do. Also, where would be the best place to do volunteer work? I have pharm tech experience. Will that count towards direct patient contact, although I was not allowed to councel?


Please help, if you can. I would really appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...


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