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Job Search Challenge

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I dont know how this process has been for others, but for me it has been an unsuccessful, disappointing, discouraging process. Unfortunately for me, I have narrowed my search to the Salt Lake City, UT area. My husband and I are moving there when I graduate in December - we want to live in the mountains and do it while we are young. I have applied to several jobs that I have seen posted on Utah specific job boards (hospital boards, utah assoc of pa board, ETC, but to NO AVAIL. Not even a phone call much less an interview.

does UAB have a bad rep or something?


What am I doing wrong... I can't exactly go knocking on doctors office doors until i get there. I dont know how to change my approach in my favor...


Getting REALLY frustrated. :(:mad::confused::eek:

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I can't exactly go knocking on doctors office doors until i get there. I dont know how to change my approach in my favor... Getting REALLY frustrated. :(:mad::confused::eek:
My suggestion (take it for whatever it is worth) is call some doctors (let Google be your best friend) and let them know you be moving soon to the area and explain will soon be a PA-C and see where that takes you. Also, another suggestion is since you have some time now before you move is try and do an informational interview with some doctors, hospitals etc.


An informational interview in case you did not know involves talking with people who are currently working in the field to gain a better understanding of an occupation, industry, and people - to build a network of contacts in the PA field. Obviously, I know you know about the PA profession, but if you show interest who knows where it might take you. Just a thought ...

Richard Bolles, author the enduring classic book on job-hunting,
What Color is Your Parachute
, writes about this tutorial on his

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