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Kaplan Q-bank online Vs the book

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ilovesushilots

I studied using both the Kaplan book and the qbank. The qbank covered a wider array of questions and they were alot more difficult then from the book. The qbank has a total of about 1200 questions, i think the book has like 720. The more questins you see the better it is...however many of my fellow classmates thought the the qbank was sufficient. The qbank would also be beneficial, because it times you and gives you that MOCK exam feelling...

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Blainejen

I used the q-bank and found the questions were very detailed and significantly harder than actual test questions. Many of the questions were so obscure it was ridiculous. I think I averaged about 60% -70 % correct on those questions and much of those were lucky guesses. When I took PANRE I scored in top 90%- Some might say doing those harder questions prepared better but I think it was just a waste of money. Next time I'll stick to the usual PA study books (which I also used this time- much better use of my study time in the long run)

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Guest klind72

i see there's a new edition of the kaplan book coming out in december...i was also looking at the online questions but aren't sure if it's worth the money. still getting exam master through my program even though i graduated in august...and it's free.

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I just signed up for the kaplan qbank a few days ago and really like it. It's refreshing seeing a new set of questions since I've been studying mainly the AAPA, and exam master for questions up until now (jan 5 test date). I love the analysis it offers which is better than exam master. Yes they are hard questions but I'd rather the PANCE turn out to be easier than what i've been studying than the other way around. I'm doing a combo of the AAPA, Davis, and old PA notes. I did exam master for awhile (free w/ my school) but so many of the questions are sooooo long by the time I'm finished with a 40? quiz I'm so over it I don't even have the energy to go over my answers. I haven't done the book but have Davis, AAPA and the Lange Q&A so that's sufficient for me. you don't want to overload either (although I may well be doing that already ;)!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest sanfran27

I also got the Kaplan Q bank questions and exam masters, i also think exam masters questions are very hard and very long but really good practice. The Van Rhee book is really good it covers all the blue print from NCCPA.

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  • 1 year later...

Has anyone taken the PANCE after using the Kaplan Qbank to study? I understand that lots of ppl say the questions are more difficult than on the PANCE, but I was just curious what scores correlated with the actual results. It's just a tad frustrating since some of these questions I'm just like.. wut the... I've never seen this before -_-


Any feedback is greatly appreciated! I'm in the 60-70% right now.

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I'm using the Kaplan online bank as well, at the moment. I exhausted all the AAPA questions and needed more. I'm finding the Kaplan questions to be great, although I think some of them are USMLE level. A good portion of the the answers end up being something that was driven home in my program time and time again, which is cool, but some of the others really make me think. PANCE in two weeks, so we'll see!

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I think that you get to a point in your studying, after you've done something crazy like 3000 questions, that doing anymore is useless for you. The test questions in Kaplan Qbank are harder than the PANCE/PANRE. And I am a fan of doing harder questions that make you think instead of just spitting out word association facts like you see "ring enhancing lesions" and spit out the organism.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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