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Negotiation help

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Vascular Surgery PA

Rochester, NY

36hr x 50 hr a week

Rotating shifts without differential

Work 1 in 5 weekends for rounding and take call

No compensation for weekend rounding or call because the hospital states its built in the yearly salary and I'm a salaried employee

Work holidays w/o extra pay

4 weeks PTO

5 days CME, 1500


3 yrs experience


Recent negotiations have reached a standstill. The AAPA salary report, NCCPA data and bureau of labor statistics data (hospital reported)has been presented to HR compensation managers to no avail. The hospital stated that the AAPA salary report findings were incorrect as the data is self-reported and inflated. Although, the 3 above data reports are roughly 1k-2k apart yearly. With the above data they only provided a 1-2% raise


Problem A is obviously the hourly wage but the hospital states we are compensated fairly. They refuse to share any data they have from a recent market analysis either

Problem B is the weekend rounding and call without compensation. In the health system PA's are the only employees who do not get compensated (MDs, RNs, LPNs, etc all do). Based on this it may appear that RNs are being compensated better annually then PAs


The hospital is undergoing a merger currently. The other hospital becoming a part of the health system compensates there PAs better hourly as well as any other time they are present in the hospital. It's obviously frustrating and disappointing to know that the compensation in one health system is not transparent. It also appears based on the employee handbook the that annual review is not occurring at all


Any recommendations? How often should raises be occurring? How much? What is the best compensation data?

My colleagues and I are not only trying to unite, but also inform other midlevel providers the market value of a PA to be properly and fairly compensated 


Thanks for any advice


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till you leave they will not listen....


Thanks for the input so far. My belief is that the hospital is unwilling to negotiate nor do they take mid levels leaving seriously

What should I be looking for in a compensation package based on experience? 


What data do you use to negotiate?

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It has taken about 10-15 years for my local hospital to realize this


not till they got really really deparate (in my limited knowledge) did they take PA/NP seriously (You don't do yourself any favors by calling yourself a mid-level, that insinuates we are worth a lot less.)


People must stand together, as a licensed PA nobody should be getting less than 80,000 year for full-time work anywhere in the country. Commonly should be well over 100.

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