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How make the decision as to who takes the test first

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my reply was in no way serious. I have no idea what test you are talking about. Do you mean interview? If you do mean interview...it is school dependent. My school brought everyone in on the same day and interviewed three applicants at a time in a group setting.

my reply was in no way serious. I have no idea what test you are talking about. Do you mean interview? If you do mean interview...it is school dependent. My school brought everyone in on the same day and interviewed three applicants at a time in a group setting.

Are you talking about the PANCE? This particular test is determined on an individual basis - once you graduate you test on your own schedule. Let us know what test your talking about and we can help you better.


PS - Steve and I went to the same school.



Are you talking about the PANCE? This particular test is determined on an individual basis - once you graduate you test on your own schedule. Let us know what test your talking about and we can help you better.


PS - Steve and I went to the same school.




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