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GRE score

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Hi everyone,

I took the GRE twice in order to better my score. Where on CASPA do I indicate both of my scores? There is only one section for one GRE score. Do I put my highest scores on there of both exams on there? For example, can I intermix my scores?


Thanks! :)

Hi everyone,

I took the GRE twice in order to better my score. Where on CASPA do I indicate both of my scores? There is only one section for one GRE score. Do I put my highest scores on there of both exams on there? For example, can I intermix my scores?


Thanks! :)

  • 1 month later...

i don't think you can intermix your scores..but i would put the best. they school would see your both reports anyway. They may take your best score or an average bw two tests (depends on the school - i know that some schools do that) :-(


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