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DATACHEM for sale

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Hi everyone!


I want to sell my DATAChem CD. If you're interested email me at: marian.elbert@gmail.com


Sample question:

A 60-year old man with known peptic ulcer disease (PUD), presents with abdominal pain, board-like abdominal rigidity, and rebound tenderness. Which complication of PUD is most likely?


A) Posterior penetration

B) Free peritoneal perforation

C) Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage

D) Gastric outlet obstruction

E) Gastrocolic fistula



Hi everyone!


I want to sell my DATAChem CD. If you're interested email me at: marian.elbert@gmail.com


Sample question:

A 60-year old man with known peptic ulcer disease (PUD), presents with abdominal pain, board-like abdominal rigidity, and rebound tenderness. Which complication of PUD is most likely?


A) Posterior penetration

B) Free peritoneal perforation

C) Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage

D) Gastric outlet obstruction

E) Gastrocolic fistula



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