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Volunteer and Work Descriptions

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I am finishing the work and volunteer sections of the CASPA and I have written the descriptions of the duties as one would on a resume...such as "led a team of volunteers, drew blood, etc..." while on other parts I have written in the first person saying.."I led a team and helped draw blood" Have any of you heard the best way to describe the duties for each activity or does it not matter much? Some tell me to write it with feeling like a med school app while others suggest writing it in resume format so the differing opinions are confusing.

I am finishing the work and volunteer sections of the CASPA and I have written the descriptions of the duties as one would on a resume...such as "led a team of volunteers, drew blood, etc..." while on other parts I have written in the first person saying.."I led a team and helped draw blood" Have any of you heard the best way to describe the duties for each activity or does it not matter much? Some tell me to write it with feeling like a med school app while others suggest writing it in resume format so the differing opinions are confusing.


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