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Physician assistant as a business major?

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Hi. I'm new.


I just want to know if I can be a Physician Assistant without absolutely ANY science courses.


I don't plan to go to any prestigious school or anything, I just want to be a PA as fast as I can.


I have a business management degree. Will this be enough to get into the lowest requirement schools?


I know this has probably been answered before, but I cannot find a search tool for the forum.


Thanks for the help.

First, you should change your forum title from PA to pre-PA so others don't flip out. Second, in the future you should post pre-PA questions in the pre-PA forum. Lastly, no...you can't be a PA without any science courses. PA schools have a set of pre-requisites that you will have to complete before applying. Do some reading around these boards to get started on what it takes to pursue PA school. Look harder for the search feature.

Even the schools with the lowest requirements will take a at least 1-1.5 years of full time+ (of all science courses) to have the pre-requirements. PA is not a tech level job, it requires a strong science background to have any chance at success. Your degree is fine (I have a degree in English), but you will have to spend a year or two doing the pre-reqs.

please don't feed the trolls


Sadly, I was actually serious about my questions :(


The previous posters had very good points. I truly have no knowledge of this career path. My mom is an RN and I have an aunt who is a dentist, but I do not know any PAs.


I think I will go back to my country and study as an RN instead. It will take a shorter time(2years with nclex review) than going the PA path(as others have informed me, 1.5 years + 2 years of PA school). I can go the path of NP in the future anyway.


Thanks for taking time to answer my questions. I think I will no longer be needing this forum. Good luck to you guys and I wish you all the best in your careers! :) Farewell!

I think I will go back to my country and study as an RN instead.


Land of the free, home of the brave (and the ability for you make a living with your foreign educations). No offense to the OP, but this is a very sore subject of mine.

  • Administrator
the op wasnt a troll, just ignorant of what it took to be a pa.

Does it really matter, though? If someone pops in here and the first thing they do is ask a question that's sure to set off three entirely separate perennial debates, does it really matter if they were asking in good faith or not?


Frankly, I think there is zero support for your assertion, aside from the equally-unsupported assertion of the OP, who claims to be a business major, have never taken any science, not know anything about the profession... but then realize that NP is a perfectly fine alternative.


I wonder if the forum would benefit from not allowing new members to start threads until they've made 5-10 posts?

This OP is inexcusable for a few reasons:


-If genuine, thinking that a PA training could somehow not require science courses (low likelihood)

-Troll post (most likely)


If you come to a professional forum, in this age the internets and the google, you better have some BASIC idea of what the hell you're talking about- or excpect to get run off.


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