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I have been a Respiratory Therapist for the past 4 years. My desire to be a PA has come directly from those experiences. Should I rely only on those experiences in my PS or should I elaborate on other topics such as college grades, extracurriculars (which are few), etc? Words are so limited and I'm quite sure I could fill the entire PS with stories that have led me to this decision.



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I focused on whatever had the greatest impact on me which was my time spent in the ER, I left grades out because they can see that on your app, I would leave out extracurriculars unless they had a direct impact. Keep in mind that many schools have additional essay questions in their supplementals s some also give you an opportunity to add information that was not mentioned anywhere else. I would focus on why you want to be a pa and why you think you would make a great student and subsequently a good PA



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I have a 3.0 sGPA, 3.4 cGPA. I work full time, have three little kids, and commute an hour one way for both school and work. The time I had for extracurricular activities was minimal. I briefly mentioned my previous activities in effort to show that I have a willingness to serve my community but made clear it was before kids/school. The majority of my PS focused on my time as a medical provider as my grades were nothing to write home about.

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