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U.S. Virgin Islands

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I was wondering if anyone here had any info regarding how to go about finding a job in the U.S. Virgin Islands or anywhere in the caribbean for that matter. Does anyone have any experience working there or know anyone who does? Are there any specific licensing procedures involved? Also, who should I contact to ask about PA jobs in that area. I know there are websites that list PA jobs around the world but not all jobs get listed on those sites. Thanks in advance!


-Mike D., PA-C

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I actually shadowed the first PA to work in the Virgin Islands a few years ago. There certainly aren't that many but there are positions open from time to time in orthopedics and I've seen one in ENT. There is a large heart center on St. Thomas that may hire CT surgery PA's. My contact works in the ER on St Croix. I would honestly just call the hospitals on St Croix and St Thomas. Certainly nothing to be had on St. John, too small and only one clinic that I know of on the whole island.

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This hospital is looking for a PA for their ER. I had a phone interview a month ago, but it wasn't what I was looking for. For any of the US territory islands (e.g. Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, etc), the licensing process is similar to any state, but it does take a long time and there's more paperwork for some reason.


From the research I've done for several island countries, I have concluded that these sorts of jobs abroad are good for more seasoned and experienced PAs, and not a good first job out of school. Also, the pay is usually lower, and the cost of living higher on islands.


PM me if you need more info.


Good luck!

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  • 1 year later...
I was wondering if anyone here had any info regarding how to go about finding a job in the U.S. Virgin Islands or anywhere in the caribbean for that matter. Does anyone have any experience working there or know anyone who does? Are there any specific licensing procedures involved? Also, who should I contact to ask about PA jobs in that area. I know there are websites that list PA jobs around the world but not all jobs get listed on those sites. Thanks in advance!


-Mike D., PA-C



Hi Mike D.--even though this message was from a few years ago, I was wondering if you had any luck in your Caribbean job search? I'm in the process of doing my own right now.



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Lindsey, Barry university has PA program in St Croix. Lookup their website. Michael Funk is one of their coordinators. He is new to their program but a seasoned PA and former president of the Florida Academy of PA's. he would be a good source for info of US Virgin Island employment. Good luck.

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