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2011-2012 Application Cycle for class of 2014

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Hello All! I just wanted to start a thread for the next application cycle and start networking with all the fellow applicants!


I just graduated from the masters in biomedical sciences program at Midwestern University and am looking forward to the opportunity to join their professional school as a PA student!!!


Good luck to all!

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I met with an admissions counselor for the last cycle and I was told the person with the lowest GRE score that was interviewed had an overall average of 48%, and I believe that person got accepted. I was also told they had like a 3.9 GPA. Hope this helps at all. I had been told my GRE was my only downfall to retake it and get at least a 53% in each category and at least a 4.0 on writing to be ok for the next cycle.

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Hey everyone, you all are getting the ball rolling so much earlier than I did... good job! :) I'm in the class of 2013 and we're only halfway through our first quarter, so I'm definitely not a perfect source of information- but if any of you have questions, feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll try my best to help you out. I know a few of my classmates check the forums occasionally as well so they would probably be willing to offer advice later on down the road. Good luck this year! MWU is an amazing program; I'm in awe every week at how much they expect us to learn and how much we actually DO learn...

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As cheesy as it sounds, it's hard for me to think of one single thing I like most about the school. The faculty are amazingly supportive and friendly; if you make it to the interview you'll no doubt hear about their open-door policy and how passionate they are to make sure each student succeeds.


It's a BIG program- 90ish students a year- which probably makes a lot of people wary about whether or not you become lost in the crowd compared to the much smaller programs. For the few days I did feel pretty "anonymous," but I'm now friends with a lot of my class and we have been broken down repeatedly into small groups so we'll eventually all know each other really well. You'll have a faculty mentor that takes on just a couple students so you'll have someone you can always go to if you need anything (and if you decide you don't like your mentor, the open-door policy kicks in and you can just have a heart-to-heart to anyone on campus).


MWU uses actual cadavers and that is a *huge* plus for me. There are some in the class that aren't as enthusiastic about it... they think of it as an interruption to their "real study time"... but I learn best hands-on so I wouldn't want it any other way. I interviewed at other programs where the PAs had no opportunity whatsoever to touch a cadaver and that was a disappointment for me, so it really comes down to what you want to get out of your PA education. We share the cadavers with NA and PT students but there are still only 4-5 of us at each body during each lab session.


What else... we're taking classes with PTs and NAs like I said, which is a great way to get used to the teams we'll be working with someday. DO students act as teaching assistants in anatomy lab as well. I love that the whole college is dedicated to different biomedical degrees and encourages interaction/collaboration between each program.


I suppose the one thing I "didn't" like (and this is all relative) was my interview day- I'll be curious to see if the program makes any changes for you guys this year. It felt rather disorganized and really didn't represent them quite as well as it could have, but I'm so glad I looked beyond that and chose to come here.

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Hi! I'm applying, too. I'm taking my GRE for the first time on Tuesday, so hopefully it goes well. Let us know if you hear back from Midwestern!


Good luck on your GRE! As soon as I hear I'll post! Hoping we all start hearing soon!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha, I should really be studying for anatomy right now. :) Be a better student than I am next year if you get in!


My particular interview day just felt like it had a lot of downtime- but it may have been bad luck too. I remember them saying that some staff weren't there that day that normally would have helped, and the current students had exams so they were all holed up in classrooms/the library instead of being able to meet us much of the day. I honestly didn't notice it to begin with, but when I went to other interviews later on where we had every minute occupied by either interviewing, meeting students, or talking to faculty, that aspect stood out to me then. I had already decided to accept the offer though!


The interview itself was fine- just be yourself and don't try to put on a show, I guarantee they can tell who has been rehearsing the typical questions until they become a robot. I went into the interview blindly (as far as knowing what sorts of questions beyond "why MWU? why PA?" are asked) and so can all of you. ;) You're more than capable, just don't sweat the details.

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Haha, I should really be studying for anatomy right now. :) Be a better student than I am next year if you get in!


My particular interview day just felt like it had a lot of downtime- but it may have been bad luck too. I remember them saying that some staff weren't there that day that normally would have helped, and the current students had exams so they were all holed up in classrooms/the library instead of being able to meet us much of the day. I honestly didn't notice it to begin with, but when I went to other interviews later on where we had every minute occupied by either interviewing, meeting students, or talking to faculty, that aspect stood out to me then. I had already decided to accept the offer though!


The interview itself was fine- just be yourself and don't try to put on a show, I guarantee they can tell who has been rehearsing the typical questions until they become a robot. I went into the interview blindly (as far as knowing what sorts of questions beyond "why MWU? why PA?" are asked) and so can all of you. ;) You're more than capable, just don't sweat the details.

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Just got an interview offer from Midwestern! I'm so excited!!!! Anyone else get one yet? I am going on October 3rd. Woot Woot!!!


Congratulations on the interview. Were you able to pick from different days? Was that the first date offered?

Good luck!

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Thanks all!! I hope you guys hear back soon! I heard through email, they sent me a log in account that I set up after they received my CASPA app and then I got notified on Friday (7/29) that I got an interview. There were several different dates to choose from, September 9, 12 October 3, 4, 31. The first one I could make was October 3. Tell me how it goes for you guys!

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Hey tennisfreak, I am currently a first year PA student at Midwestern Glendale. Overall your stats are average to above average...I wouldn't worry about not getting an interview with those stats. The only thing they might frown upon is your volunteer hours. I think any sort of hands on patient care is not required, but it is highly recommended. I believe there are a few students in the program that have no volunteering experience at all. Point is with your stats you'll prob need a great essay to advance to the interview round. It's still early though so no sweat!

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