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I was working in an underserved FQHC location in southern NJ for the past 2 years, was 3 weeks shy of completing my 4 year requirement to get my last compensation from the NJ loan redemption program, when I was fired. I was fired without notice, denied my unemployment benefits. I have finally completed credentialling process about to work then a last minute information determined I could not get privileges to work, this is likely due to "employment verification". I had 5 excellent references from the previous job, how does one overcome an ex employer who is negatively writing to future employers?


Advice is greatly appreciated.

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honestly, contact an attorney - something like this can be something that haunts you for years - as well if they did not fire you for good cause (even at will employee's have rights too) then you may have recourse. Very rarely do I advocate for legal action, but as you have learned a bad recomendation can be really really hard to overcome......


Slander and defamation of character both come to mind with previous employers who give bad rec's and hence why most will no longer give recomendations -as well might make sense to figure out what they are saying.... have someone call them for reference (but be REALLY careful doing this as it is a really dangerous thing to do and I would want an attorney invovled prior to doing.)



Good luck and hope you get it figured out.....

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I would definitely contact the Unemployment Office for the state of NJ. If you were fired, your previous employer doesn't have the right or ability to deny you. The determination of the unemployment claim, I believe from my experience, is determined by the state alone.




I agree with ventana with regard to the legal action. Try and find out with the place you are having the issues regarding credentialing if there is anything you can do. Write an explanation letter explaining the entire situation in detail, notarize it and have it delivered with confirmation. If you are unable to get the credentialing, at least for your next job offer, be upfront and tell them what happened in the past and make sure it is not an issue ahead of time. Sorry to hear about all of this BS you're going through! Good luck!

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