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Work and Volunteer experience

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First question: I provided volunteer caregiving for a person suffering from quadriplegia, which included ADLs, wound care, catheter care, etc. This was not through an employer, since the person was a friend of mine who was in an accident. In talking with numerous folks on this forum, it seems as though this should be categorized as volunteer HCE. If that is the case, do I enter it as Patient Care Experience and click the checkbox indicating it wasn't for pay?


Second question: For shadowing experience, is there any advice on filling this part out? This would be how I'd assume I should fill it out:

Volunteer title: Shadow

Organization: Hospital that I shadowed at

Supervisor: Name of shadowed PA, maybe "First-name Last-name-PA-C"

Duties: Observed patients in operating room, etc.


Thanks for any advice!

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I had a really similar situation, I cared for a friend of mine's daughter with cerebral palsy. I put it in Patient Care Experience and checked that it wasn't for pay. As for shadowing, I did it pretty much exactly as you described. I figured I could explain it if I was asked about it in an interview. It's not like we're lying or anything so I think it shouldn't matter too much.

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